
To use Fyrst Up, go to your App Store or Google Play Store on your smartphone and download the Fyrst Up app. Your login is the email address we have for you in our systems and password is welcome (all lower case).

Add your coming soon listings and buyer needs. Then wait for the magic to happen! This is where we will showcase all buyer side comp inside of Samson Properties – this will replace the Samson Sneak Peak/Coming Soon board on the Nest!

Put in Coming Soon Listings-you can add pictures, buyer agent comp and any relevant notes about the listing!
Put in your Buyer Needs to let listing agents know what your clients are looking for!
Put in Open House opportunities for other agents to host for you!
Once there is a match, you both get alerted to connect. Click on Alert and it gives you the other agent’s contact info. Hit phone number and dial or text!

Use Fyrst Up to show your potential sellers that you can premarket their home to 5,700 agents! Show your buyers who think there are no choices, that inventory is coming.

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Click the button and join the Samson Family  today.